名譽會長 Honorary Presidents
□ The Honourable Dr. O.S.K. Kizango, - Member of Parliament (國會議員) □ Dr. Charles Armitage, Ph.D. (U of Toronto) □ 區永熙BBS太平紳士 Mr. William Au, BBS, JP - 全國政協委員 - 合盈國際集團有限公司前主席兼董事總經理 (香港聯合交易所上市公司) Former Chairman/Managing Director of Hop Ying International Holdings Limited (A Public Company Listed in The Hong Kong Stock Exchange Ltd). □ Dr. Albert Ballantyne, DHL, M.Phil., FCAM, FCHMA, FAPCA, FWC - Patron, The Canadian Institute of Certified Administrative Managers (Hong Kong Branch) □ 陳小感MBE太平紳士 Mr. S. K. Chan, MBE, JP, FCHMA, F. Inst. CM - 前香港生產力促進局總裁 Former Executive Director, Hong Kong Productivity Council - 前香港理工大學校董 Former Council Member, Hong Kong Polytechnic University □ 周培賢政協常委 Mr. Gordon Chau,F.Inst.CM - 中國貴州省政協常委
- 香港1994年度十大傑出青年
Awardee of the Ten Outstanding Young Persons' Selection (1994), Hong Kong □ 蔣世昌議員 Mr. Ringo Chiang, MH, FCHMA, FAPCA, F.Inst.CM - Member of Kowloon City District Board - Former Chairman of Finance Committee, Urban Council, Hong Kong □
Mr. Aidan Corley - Patron, Faculty of Business Management (Hong Kong Branch) □
Dr. William Chu, FCHMA, FCHAD, FAPCA, F.Inst.CM - Senior Advisor of University of Oregon Continuing Education Program Associates (Hong Kong)
□ Dr. R.K. Dhir
- Patron, Association of Corporate Financial Accountants (Hong Kong Branch)
Dr. Richard Judd □
Mr. Lai Ni-Jan, FAPCA, F.Inst.CM     - 原勵志國際集團有限公司主席 (香港聯合交易所上市公司) Former Chairman of Logic International Holdings Limited (A Public Company Listed in The Hong Kong Stock Exchange)
□ 劉紹鈞政協 及選委會委員
Professor Francis Lau □ 李汝大領事 Dr. Desmond Lee, FCHMA, FCHAD, FAPCA, F.Inst.CM - Honorary Consul for Fiji in Hong Kong 斐濟駐港名譽領事 - Former Member of the Legislative Council, Hong Kong 原香港立法局議員
Mr. Norman Lo, FCHMA, FAPCA - 香港區事顧問 - General Secretary of Methodist Centre 循道衛理中心總幹事
□ 潘國城OBE教授 Professor Peter Pun, OBE, JP, FCHMA, FAPCA, F.Inst.CM - 原香港特別行政區政府規劃署署長
□ 譚榮根BBS, MBE太平紳士
Dr. Tam Wing-Kun, BBS, MBE, JP, FCHMA, FCHAD, FAPCA, F.Inst.CM - Honorary Consul for the Republic of Kenya in Hong Kong & Macau
- 原國際獅子總會港澳303區總監 - Former District Governor, Lions Clubs International, District 303 (Hong Kong; Macau) - Honorary Citizen of The City of New Britain, Connecticut, USA
Professor Vincent To
, F.Inst.CM - Solicitor & Notary Public
- 原國際扶輪總會3450區總監 Former District Governor of Rotary International, District 3450 (Hong Kong & Macau) - 中國政法大學客席教授
偉思高領事, F.Inst.CM - 金馬倫共和國駐港名譽領事 - 原國際扶輪總會3450區總監
Mr. Richard Hwang, F.Inst.CM - 僑福建設企業機構 (香港聯合交易所上市公司) Managing Director of Chyau Fwu Investment Ltd. (A Public Company Listed in The Hong Kong Stock Exchange)
Dr. Leung Wah-Chai, FAPCA - 中國國務院發展研究中心現代企業導刊常務理事 - 中國廣東省第八屆人民代表大會香港地區代表 - 美國侯斯頓市政府頒授 "榮譽市民", "親善大使" 榮銜 Honorary Citizen and Goodwill Ambassador of City of Houston, USA - 美國肯塔基州政府頒授 "肯塔基陸軍上校", "親善大使" 榮銜 Kentucky Colonels as Goodwill Ambassador of Commonwealth of Kentucky, USA - 美國田納西州政府頒授 "田納西州親善大使" 榮銜 Tennessee Ambassador of Goodwill of The State of Tennessee, USA
駱炯領事 Dr. Jim Lok , FCHMA, FAPCA, F.Inst.CM - 蘇里南共和國駐港領事 Honorary Consul of The Republic of Suriname in Hong Kong
駱健華律師, 博士
Dr. Leo Lok,
LL.B., LL.M., MBA, LL.D., FCHMA, FCHAD, FAPCA, F.Inst.CM - Solicitor and Notary Public, Hong Kong
- China-Appointed Attesting Officer
- Barrister & Solicitor of Supreme Court of Australia and Singapore
Dr. Mike Whitaker, FCHMA, FCHAD, FAPCA - Patron, Society of Business Practitioners (Hong Kong Branch)
Dr. Dickson Wong, CPA, Barrister,
FCHMA, FCHAD, FAPCA, FSBP, FFCS - Honorary President,
Society of Business Practitioners(Hong Kong Branch)
- Honorary President, Faculty of Secretaries And Administrators (Hong Kong Branch)
- Member of The Board of Trustees, United College The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Dr. Alan T.L.Wong, BA, DipEd, DipBM, MBA, PhD - Senior Member of the Board of Academic Advisers, Chartered Management School of Distance Learning - 歐洲馬爾他騎士團特派專員 - 番禺橫瀝鎮政府經濟顧問
- 山西省海聯會理事
- 貴州省海聯會理事
- 重慶市海聯會理事
- 清遠市政協之友聯誼會理事
- 原香港東區區議會民選議員
Mr. Steven Wong, FCHMA, FAPCA - 原保良局主席 |