□ 歐陽宏基醫生 Dr. Josiah Auyeung, FCHMA, FAPCA
□ Dr. William Chan - 哈佛大學香港校友會校友
□ 陳建華教授 - 深圳大學金融系副主任
- 深圳大學金融系副教授
- 全國美國經濟學會理事
Mr. Tom CHAN Kam-Tong
, B.Soc.Sc.(Hons), MPA, Dip.BM
- Senior Lecturer, Hong Kong Polytechnic
□ Mr. Simon Chan
, FSBP, M.Inst.CM, EHKIM - Chairman, The Wings Communications Group
- 僱員再培訓局自僱創業顧問
- 工業貿易署中小企支援與諮詢中心業務諮詢服務顧問
- 香港市務學會行政人員會士
- 香島獅子會 (93-94) 會長
- 香港童軍總會公關委員會前委員
- 廣東省廣州市海外聯誼會理事
□ Mr. Alexander Chang, Solicitor
□ Mr. Tien H. Chau
, MBA (MIT) - MBA in Financial Engineering (美國麻省理工學院工商管理碩士) MIT Financial Engineering Track Steering Committee - Harvard Law School Program on Negotiation, Harvard University
- Stanford Executive Program in Corporate Strategy, Stanford University
- Regional Head of Risk & Cash Management
(Regional Corporate Treasury Director),
Philips Electronics Asia Pacific
□ Mr. Chiu Ying-Chi
, MBA, FCAM - Controller, China (中國地區會計總監)
- Dow Chemical Pacific Limited (陶氏化學太平洋有限公司)
□ 謝碩文政協 Dr.Che Seak-Man, F.Inst.CM
□ 鄭萬橋政協 Dr. Simon Cheng, FCHMA, FAPCA, FSBP, M.Inst.CM
- 原博愛醫院董事局總理 Former Director, Pok Oi Hospital
□ Mr. John Chong, LL.B (Hons.), LL.M - Solicitor
□ 周少棠先生 Mr. Chow Siu-Tong, M.Inst.CM
- 原中國興業控股有限公司執行董事 (香港聯合交易所上市公司)
Former Executive Director of China Investments Holdings Ltd. (A Public Company Listed in The Hong Kong Stock Exchange)
□ Mr. Stephen Chow Chun-Keung, MPAcc (HKPolyU), FCCA, MSCA, ACA (E&W), ATIHK, CPA, CPA (Practising)
- Master in Professional Accounting with Credit, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- 香港華人會計師公會理事及會員事務委員會主席
Council Member and Membership Affairs Committee Chairman,
The Society of Chinese Accountants and Auditors
□ Professor Alexander Chu, Ph.D., DBA, MBA, BBA, FCHMA
- Fellow and Senior Member of the Board of Academic Advisers,
Asia Pacific DBA Graduates Association
□ Professor David A. Crick, Ph.D., FCHMA
□ Mr. David R. Currie, MBA (U of Ottawa)
□ Mr. Alex Kam, FAPCA, F.Inst.CM - 原美國匯通國家銀行商務董事 - 原美國匯豐証卷公司副總裁 - Former Member of U.S. Republican Presidential Task Force
- 原美國San Marcos鋼鐵公司董事長
□ Mr. Martin Ko, FFCS, Solicitor
□ 林永怡會計師 Mr. Jerry Lam, CPA
□ Mr. Raymond Lee
, B.Eng (Hons.), M.Sc., MCMI, MIET
- President, Genius Education Consultants
- Master of Science in Building Services Engineering, Heriot-Watt University (1821), UK
- Member, The Institution of Engineering and Technology, UK (Incoporated by Royal Charter 1921)
- Member, Chartered Management Institute, UK (Incoporated by Royal Charter)
□ Mr. Ernest Leung
, MBA, LL.B (Hons), BSoc.Sc (Hon.)
- Head, China Office
University of Wolverhampton, U.K.
□ Mr. Richard Li, BA(MIS), MBus., MIEEE, MCHMA, MCAFA, MCATE
- Vice President, PC TAG INC. (USA)
- Full Member, Chartered Management Association
- Full Member, Chartered Association of Financial Accountants
- Full Member, Chartered Association of Technology And Engineering
□ 李錦輝會計師 Mr. Dominic Li, ACA, AHKSA, CPA
□ 駱健華博士,律師 Dr. Leo Lok, LL.B, LL.M, MBA, LL.D., FCHMA, FCHAD, FAPCA, F.Inst.CM
Solicitor & Notary Public, Hong Kong - China-Appointed Attesting Officer - Barrister & Solicitor of Supreme Court of Australia and Singapore
□ 龍志明會長, F.Inst.CM
- 全國政協委員 - 國際青年商會1995年 世界執行副會長 (亞洲太平洋區) - 香港青年商會1993年總會會長
□ 繆永康會長 - 美國康州州立中央政府大學香港同學會會長
□ Professor Patrick X.H. Peng
□ 蕭炎坤政協 Dr. Sidney Siu, F.Inst.CM
□ Dr. Peter Vernesoni
□ Capt. Wee Chye Huat, FCHMA, AFCS - Executive Director/CEO
Freight Links Express (HK) Ltd. (香港聯合交易所上市公司)
□ Dr. Oliver Williams
□ Mr. Wong Kee-Chung, M.Inst.CM
- Director, Vigers Hong Kong International Real Estate Consultants
□ Mr. Kenneth Wong, F.Inst.CM
- 原香港童軍總會總部總監 Former Association Headquarters Commissioner, The Scout Association of Hong Kong
- Director, Product Process & Systems Asia Pacific Division
Levi's Brand
Levi Strauss
Asia Pacific Division Pte. Ltd.
□ Professor Gerald Albaum
□ Mr. Simon Chan, FSBP, M.Inst.CM
- Former President of Lions Club of Bayview 原香島獅子會會長
□ Mr. Edward J. Rbyczyk
- Director, CIET Central Connecticut State University, USA
□ Dean Patricia Sanders
□ Dean Larry Short
□ Dr. Andrew Baron
□ Dr. William Bellows
□ Dr. James Delaura
□ Dr. Colin Gill, Ph.D. (Cambridge)
□ Dr. Roy Herissier
□ Dr. Ray Chu
, Ph.D., MBA, MA (HKUST), PGDBA (UK), BBA, MCHMA, MAPMA, MCITD, FSBP   - Full Member, Asia Pacific MBA Graduates Association
 - completed Executive Program on Negotiation for Senior Executives, Harvard Law School, Harvard University, USA
□ 何成偉會計師
□ 何少亮先生 Mr. Nelson Ho, FCHMA - Chartered Building Surveyor - Associate of The Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors, UK
□ 葉泳倫會計師
 Mr. Allan Ip Wing-Lun, MBA (Finance), MCHMA, MAPCA, AAIA, AHKSA, CPA
□ Dr. Francis Kwong, Ph.D. (CUHK), FSBP, PGDBA (UK) - Managing Director MediTech Media Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd.
□ Mr. Ringo Lee
- Director & General Manager Challenger Auto Services Ltd.
(A Public Company Listed in The Hong Kong Stock Exchange Ltd.)
□ 盧華基會計師
□ Mr. Andy Ng, FCHMA - Director, International Dept. Centre Pacific Group (仲介行集團)
□ Dr. Hem Jain
□ Mr. Eric Lee
- Chartered Business Administrator, Chartered Association of Business Administrator
(Chartered Federally under Letters Patent granted by the Government of Canada)
- Director of Global Business Development, Bossini Enterprises Ltd.
(A Public Company Listed in The Hong Kong Stock Exchange Ltd.)
□ Mr. Samuel Lee, LL.B.(U of London), FSBP, FAPCA
- 英國倫敦大學榮譽法律學士
- Fellow of Asia Pacific CEO Association
- Fellow of Society of Business Practitioners, UK
□ Dr. Andrew Maile, Ph.D. (U of London)
□ Professor Dr. NN Murphy, Ph.D. (Mgmt), FCHMA, FAPCA   - Samajashri Award from Governor of Maharashtra
 - Knight of Justice Honour 2004 in Germany for Educational Excellence - Full Professor of World Information Distributed University, Belgium
- Honored with Royal Order by the Belgium King as Cavalier of World Order of Science, Education and Culture - Imperial Legate (Ambassador) to India, The Empire of Atlantium
Dr. Nanda Rangan
, Ph.D.
- Interim Chair, Department of Finance
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, USA
□ Dr. Huong Sabherwal, Ph.D.
- Manager of Centre for Research in business Information Technology & E-Commerce,
London South Bank University (Oct.2001 - Sept.2005) - Lecturer for the Faculty of Business,
Computing & Information Management, London South Bank University, UK
□ Professor Kevan Scholes, Ph.D. (Cambridge)
□ Dr. Richard Schmuk
Dr. Suresh Tadisina
- Associate Professor, Department of Management
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, USA
□ Ms. Rita Tong, M.Inst.CM - Former President of FLMI Society of Hong Kong
□ Mr. James Tsui - Chartered Building Surveyor
- 2006年國際青年商會香港總會會長
Dr. J. Oliver Williams
- Professor of Political Science and Public Administration
North Carolina State University, USA
□ Professor Theodore Wallin, Ph.D. (Cornell), FCHMA, FCHAD, FAPCA - Hon. Fellow and Advisor, Asia Pacific CEO Association
- Senior Advisor of University of Oregon Continuing Education Program Associates (Hong Kong) |