CMA's 30th Anniversary Quick
Links Letters of International Recognitions
CMA Board Members Professional Institutes New Higher Education Model U.S. Department of Education
Recommendation from celebrities
“I wish to
congratulate Charter Management Association (CMA) on its appointment as the
Hong Kong Office of the Nobel University, California, U.S.A. Initially it is intended to introduce quality distance learning “top-up” final year BBA
and MBA programs to capable students in Hong Kong... This new Nobel
University/CMA Joint Initiative will undoubtedly be able to make a long-lasting
contribution towards this worthwhile objective.”
Dr. Hilton Cheong-Leen, CBE, JP
- Honorary Patron, Charter Management Association
- Honorary Patron, Nobel University (Hong Kong Office)
- Former Member of The Legislative Council, Hong Kong
- Former District Governor of The Lions Clubs International
District 303 - Hong Kong & Macau, China
Date: 1 November 2011
“ … the reputable Nobel University,
California has recently set up its Hong Kong Office with the help of Charter
Management Association (CMA), … to offer the Top-up Final Year BBA and MBA
Degree Programs in Hong Kong … As Honorary Senior President of CMA and Nobel
University (Hong Kong Office), … I sincerely wish the Nobel University every
success in offering quality distance learning degree programs in Hong Kong for
our Hong Kong middle to senior Management level aspirants…”
Dr. Desmond Y.T. Lee
- Honorary Consul for Fiji Islands in Hong Kong
- Former Member of The Legislative Council, Hong Kong
Date: 19 October 2011
“ … I
have full confidence that the partnership
between Nobel
University of California and Charter Management Association (CMA) will work well and they will offer high quality distance learning education to the management
professionals in Hong Kong. As Honorary Senior President of CMA and Nobel University (Hong Kong Office), I hereby give my
congratulatory message to CMA for its visionary in joining Nobel University in its future development plan. Congratulations!
Dr. William Chu
- President
Date: 8 November 2011
“… As Honorary President of Charter Management Association (CMA) and Nobel University (Hong Kong Office), I am sure that the partnership of Nobel University and CMA in offering top quality distance learning Top-up Final Year BBA and MBA Degree Programs in Hong Kong, will be a great success. I have confidence that CMA shall continue to grow in prosperity and success in the years to come. Yours truly, “
Dr. Leo K.W. Lok (駱健華律師)
LL.D, LL.B (Hon.), LL.M (HKU), MBA (CUHK)
- Solicitor and Notary Public
- Fellow Member ( FCHMA),
Chartered Management Association
- 中國人民大學法學博士
- 香港大學校董
- Former Member of the Court of Convocation,
The University of Hong Kong
“ As Honorary
President of the Charter Management Association (CMA) and the Nobel University
(Hong Kong Office), I am pleased to convey my heartfelt
congratulations on the educational partnership to offer high quality distance
learning Top-up Final Year BBA and MBA Degree Programs in Hong Kong. The
2010 U.S. Department of Education’s “Review of Online Learning Studies” found
that students who took all or part of a course online perform better, on
average, than those taking the same course through traditional face-to-face
instruction... Prosperity in the 21st Century relies on high standard
education, and CMA is a big contributor to fulfill this need… I
sincerely hope the educational partnership of CMA and the Nobel University in Hong Kong every success in the years to come.”
Dr. Dickson Wong (王啟達大律師、會計師)
BBA, Dip FS ( Oxon ), MBA, LL.B ( Hon. ), C.A. ( Aust. ), LL.D ( Hon.)
- Honorary President, Charter Management Association
- Honorary President, Nobel University (Hong Kong Office)
- Former Executive Director, T.S. Telecom Technologies Ltd.
(A Company Listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Ltd.)
- Former Member of the Board of Trustee, United College of
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Member of Fund Raising and Sponsorship Committee,
The Open University of Hong Kong
Date: 22 November 2011
“ I would like to take this
auspicious moment to congratulate the Charter Management Association (CMA) on
its successful partnership with Nobel University of California … Distance
learning … are destined to be the wave of the future. With the high quality
distance learning education that Nobel University provides, CMA will be able to
serve the needs of our members and society well and continue its role as a
preeminent educational institution in Hong Kong and mainland China. As Honorary President of CMA and Nobel University (Hong Kong Office), I wish
this partnership every success!”
Dr. P. Chan
- Full Professor of California State University
Date: 20 October 2011
“I am delighted to
know that Charter Management Association (CMA) of Hong Kong and Nobel University of USA have joined forces to offer business degree programs in Greater China. Nobel University has offered high-quality business programs in California since 2002. From its inception till today, Nobel's vision is to
create global leaders and managers by providing students with the latest
management knowhow and tools gained from its strong faculty and
extensive business network... I have no doubt that the CMA-Nobel synergy
will create the "game changers" and "movers and shakers" of
tomorrow. May God bless this partnership!”
Professor Dr. Dennis Pollard, PhD
- Honorary President, Charter Management Association
- Honorary President, Nobel University (Hong Kong Office)
- President, PSC International
- Retired Faculty Member, California State University
- Consultant to Fortune 500 Companies and Asian Governments
Date: 11 November 2011
“ … Nobel University is a SEVIS
Approved School of The U.S. Immigration And Customs Enforcement. I am
happy to know that in the List include those reputable Universities such as
Stanford University, University of California (Berkeley, Davis, Los Angeles …),
and University of Southern California … etc.
… Nobel University has 2 campuses, i.e. the Main Campus and the Branch Campus… as the Honorary President of CMA and Honorary Director of The Nobel University (Hong Kong Office), I have full confidence that with the help of CMA and its 21 Authorized Promotion And Recruitment Centers, the University’s Quality distance learning Top-up Final Year BBA and MBA degree Programs would be well organized … ”
Sir Dr. Alan T.L. Wong
- 歐洲馬爾他騎士團特派專員
Date: 18 October 2011
“ … As Honorary President of Charter Management Association (CMA), I sincerely hope CMA will continue to provide the quality education and good training programs for executives in Hong Kong and China, and I am sure CMA will play a significant role in the continuing development of Hong Kong in the years to come. Big Congratulations! ”
Professor Patrick Chan, Ph.D
- Fellow Member (FCHMA),
Chartered Management Association
- Ph.D of Universidad Empresarial de Costa Rica
- Assistant Director,
Institute of Special Economic Zones, Taiwan
Hong Kong and Macao Economies Studies
Shenzhen University, China
" ...
This collaborative initiative aims to offer Quality, Unique, Affordable,
Practical and Efficient (QUAPE) distance learning education programs of BBA
(1-year top up) and MBA in Hong Kong and Greater China region. Being the
Honorary Director as well as the Academic Director of the Charter Management
Association and Nobel University (Hong Kong Office) appointed to oversee the
program operations, I have full confidence that this forward-looking initiative
Joint Venture will help our participating business professionals to realize
their dreams of advancement in future.”
Dr. William Chan
- Former Deputy Secretary-General,
Peking University Alumni Association (HK)
Date: 11 November 2011
“ …As
Honorary Director of The Charter Management Association (CMA) and Senior
Advisor of The Nobel University (Hong Kong Office), it gives me great pleasure
to congratulate on this Joint Venture in offering this golden opportunity to
CMA Members to pursue the quality distance-learning Top-up Final Year BBA and
MBA programs in Hong Kong and China. Evidently, these lucky students can
not only save the trouble of going to the University's two campuses in
California to study, but they can also save a lot of money for tuition fees,
i.e. only need to pay about 25% of the normal tuition fees charged by the
University upon students residing in California. More importantly, Hong Kong students under this special arrangement can choose to take the programs in either
English or Chinese Language …”
Professor Herman Tso
- Lecturer, The University of Hong Kong
- Technical Director, Mayer Holdings Limited
(A Company Listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Ltd.)
- Full Member of The Chartered Management Institute
(incorporated by Royal Charter, U.K.)
- Former Deputy Team Leader of Safety Concern Team,
Occupational Safety & Health Council
Date: 3 November 2011
“ … As Senior Advisor
of Charter Management Association (CMA) and Nobel University (Hong Kong
Office), I have confidence that the Nobel University (Hong Kong Office) with
the full support of CMA, will continue to grow stronger and to run its high
quality distance learning Top-up Final Year BBA and MBA programs successfully
in Hong Kong and China in the coming decade.”
Mr. Tony Cheng
- Former Director of Yan Chai Hospital
Date: 31 October 2011
“It is
my honor ... to congratulate the Charter Management Association (CMA) being
appointed by the Nobel University, California as their Academic Partner to run
the Hong Kong Office of the University. As Senior Advisor of CMA and the Nobel
University (Hong Kong Office), I hereby sincerely convey all best wishes to CMA
for every success to provide quality distance learning programs four our
locality. Congratulations!”
Dr. Alexander Chu
- Professor of Sun Yat-Sen University, China (中國廣州中山大學)
項目組長兼首席導師, 教授
Date: 20 October 2011
“ … I am pleased to learn that the
Nobel University (Hong Kong Office) would be responsible for student
affairs, admissions, recruitment, promotion, marketing, academic programs,
instructional support and assessments. As Senior Advisor of Charter
Management Association (CMA) and Nobel University (Hong Kong Office), I have
confidence that the Nobel University (Hong Kong Office) will provide quality
distance earning Top-up Final Year BBA and MBA programs tailor-made for the
members of various Professional Institutes represented by CMA, who are Advanced
Diploma and Professional Diploma graduates of the Chartered Management School
of Distance Learning in Hong Kong. Based on this new mechanism, qualified
members can take this golden opportunity to realize Their dreams in earning
recognized degrees from a State-Approved University in California.”
Mr. Terry Tsao, MBA (Warwick), CPA (Practising), CPA
- Independent Non-Executive Director of Uni-Biology
(A Company Listed in The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited)
- Senior Auditor, Deloitte HK
Date: 26 October 2011
“… I have been working in a tertiary institution for nearly 18 years in Hong Kong. It is a commonplace to say that learning is a life-long exercise. I am pleased to note that … its academic programs in open and adult education are widely admired and accepted by working adults who have the desire to gain recognized higher academic and professional qualifications, same as myself in successfully completing the Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree program of the reputable Nobel University, California. I am proud to be one of the MBA graduates of your University! ”
- Full Member (MCHMA),
Chartered Management Association
- Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA),
Universidad Empresarial de Costa Rica
- Professional Diploma in Business Administration (PDBA),
Chartered Management School of Distance Learning (CMS)
- Master of Business Administration ( MBA ),
Nobel University, California
- Previous working experience including serving the Inland Revenue Department
(HK SAR Government) and Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups ... etc.
Date: 2 November 2013
Being a Full Member of the Chartered Management Association (MCHMA), I have
been admitted into the Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree program
of the reputable Nobel University, California. Now, I am pleased to advise that
I have successfully completed the MBA program! I have been working at senior
management level with large corporation in China with over 20 years’
decision-making experience. I would sincerely recommend the Top-up BBA and MBA
degree programs of Nobel University to any serious working adults, who wish to
gain recognized higher academic qualifications, same as myself! Most
importantly, I must admit that I have learned a lot from Professor Shum. I am
proud to be one of the MBA graduates. All the best to the CMA and Nobel University (Hong Kong Office) colleagues in Hong Kong! ”
Mr. Kelvin K.C. Ho, MBA, MSc, PDBA, BBA, MCHMA
- Full Member (MCHMA),
Chartered Management Association
- Master of Business Administration (MBA),
Nobel University, California
- Professional Diploma in Business Administration (PDBA),
Chartered Management School of Distance Learning (CMS)
Nobel University, California
- Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA),
Charisma University
- Master of Science in Logistics & Supply Chain Management,
National University of Ireland, UK
Date: 18 July 2013
傑出管理大獎得獎人 傑出董事大獎得獎人 傑出行政總裁大奬得奬人 Recognition and Exemption International Recognitions
Message from The Former Director of Education 提升個人地位,修讀 Ph.D/DBA /MBA/Ed.D/M.Ed 課程, President Joseph Sung's Message for CMA
Message from CMA’s Honorary Senior President 成為多位國際級政商界及教育界名人校友 President Timothy Tong's Message for CMA
About CMA 續承終身教育, Why Nobel University? President John Leong's Message for CMA's 33rd Anniversary