亞太行政總裁協會 Asia Pacific CEO Association 'APCA' (Registered under the Societies Ordinance of the Hong Kong SAR Government on 22 Dec 1997) |
名譽贊助人及終身榮譽會士 Honorary Patrons & Honorary Life Fellowships |
□ | Lord Granville Huntly (英國上議院亨特利侯爵) F.Inst.CM, FFA, FAPCA(Hon.) |
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Member of The House of Lords (UK) President of The Institute of Commercial Management, UK President of The Institute of Financial Accountants, UK Honorary Patron and Hon. Life Fellow of The Asia Pacific CEO Association (Registered under the Societies Ordinance of the Hong Kong SAR Government) |
□ | The Honourable Helen Sham-Ho (澳洲上議院何沈慧霞議員) JP, MLC, BA, B.Leg.S, Dip.Soc.Wk., FAPCA(Hon.), FCHMA(Hon.), FCHAD(Hon.) FAASM(Hon.) |
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Member of The Legislative Council and Temporary Chairman of Committees, Australia Honorary Patron and Honorary Fellow of Chartered Management Association Honorary Patron and Honorary Fellow of Asia Pacific CEO Association Honorary Patron and Honorary Fellow of Chartered Association of Directors |
□ | Dr. Hilton Cheong-Leen (張有興 CBE 太平紳士) CBE, JP, Chev. Legion d'Honneur Ph.D. (Hon.), F.Inst.CM(Hon.), FAPCA(Hon.), FCHMA(Hon.), FCHAD(Hon.) |
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香港立法局 1973-1979 及 1985-1988 年度議員 Member of The Legislative Council, Hong Kong (1973-1979, 1985-1988) 香港市政局 1 981-1986 年度主席 Chairman of The Urban Council, Hong Kong (1981-1986) 原國際獅子總會港澳 303 區總監 Past District Governor of The Lions Clubs International, District 303-Hong Kong & Macau Hon. President of The Scout Association of Hong Kong Chairman of Hong Kong Civic Association J.P. Court Member Patron of The Social Sciences Society, Hong Kong University Students Union Hon. Auditor of The World Federation of United Nations Associations Hon. Fellow of The Institute of Commercial Management, UK Hon. Fellow and Senior Advisor of The Asia Pacific CEO Association (Registered under the Societies Ordinance of the Hong Kong SAR Government) Honorary Patron and Hon. Fellow of The Chartered Management Association (Registered under the Societies Ordinance of the Hong Kong SAR Government) Senior Advisor of The University of Oregon Continuing Education Porgram Associates (Hong Kong) (Registered under the Societies Ordinance of the Hong Kong SAR Government) |
□ | Prof. Dominic S.W. Wong, (黃星華 GBS, OBE 太平紳士) GBS, OBE, JP, FAPCA, FCHMA, FCHAD, FCITD |
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Honorary Patron, Charter Management Associaton Former Secretary for Housing, Hong Kong Government Former Director of Education, Hong Kong Government (原香港特別行政區房屋局長及教育署署長) |
□ | Dr. Charles W.B. Cheung (張惠彬太平紳士) JP, DBA (Hon.), MBA, F.Inst.CM(Hon.), FCHMA(Hon.), FCHAD(Hon.), FAPCA(Hon.) |
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觀瀾湖高爾夫球會行政總裁 Chief Executive of The Mission Hill Golf Club 菲律賓萬國匯通銀行董事 Director of Global Business Bank, Philippines Advisor of Metropolitan Bank & Trust Company, Philippines 嘉華國際集團有限公司 ( 香港聯合交易所上市公司 ) 董事 Director of K.Wah International Holdings Ltd. (A Public Company Listed in The Hong Kong Stock Exchange) Vice Chairman of Harbour View Hotels (Holdings) Ltd. Appointed Lay Assessor in Magistrates Court since 1979 Appointed Assessor in Money Lenders Licensing Court since 1980 Appointed Director of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals (1981-1982) Appointed Member of The Advisory Board of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals (1982-1983) Appointed Member of Board of Education (1983-1986) Appointed Member of The Council of The Baptist College (1984-1986) Appointed Member of The Board of Management of The Hong Kong Tourist Association (1982-1984) Appointed Member of The Air Transport Licensing Authority (1981-1985) Former Chairman of Education Sub-Committee of The Hong Kong Centre of The Chartered Institute of Bankers, London (UK) Former Part-Time Lecturer on Bank Management, Chinese University of Hong Kong and Extra Mural Studies, University of Hong Kong Hon. Fellow of The Institute of Commercial Management, UK Hon. Fellow and Advisor of The Asia Pacific CEO Association (Registered under the Societies Ordinance of the Hong Kong SAR Government) Hon. Fellow and Advisor of The Chartered Management Association (Registered under the Societies Ordinance of the Hong Kong SAR Government) Senior Advisor of The University of Oregon Continuing Education Program Associates (Hong Kong) (Registered under the Societies Ordinance of the Hong Kong SAR Government) |
Board of Advisers
□ | Mr. Sulieman Abbas MEd., BSc., FAPCA |
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Adviser, Chartered Management School of Distance Learning Principal, United Oriental College 東聯書院校長 |
□ | Professor Peng Chan PhD, MBA, LLB (Hons.), FAPCA, FCHMA, FCHAD |
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Full Professor of Management, California State University-Fullerton, USA Chairman & President, Global Management Group President, E2Engery |
□ | Mr. William W.H.Au (區永熙政協) BBS, JP, FAPCA |
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香港特別行政區政府第一屆政府推選委員會委員 |
□ | Mr. Josiah Auyeung (歐陽宏基醫生) FAPCA |
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仁濟醫院1988-89, 1991-92, 1993-94 年度總理 前香港青山獅子會會長 Who's Who of the Asia Pacific Rim 1992 |
□ | Dr. Albert E. Ballantyne FAPCA |
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Executive Director, Canadian Institute of Certified Administrative Managers, Canada |
□ | Prof. Dato Dr. Johnny S.C. Chai (拿督蔡思讚博士) FAPCA |
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馬來西亞拿督 The Honourable Dato of Malaysia Adjunt Faculty, Tsing Hua University, China (中國清華大學) 英國總裁學院院士 馬來西亞青年企業家協會監事 國際標準組織(ISO)個人資歷認証審核委員會亞洲區副主席 |
□ | Dr. William Chan |
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美國哈佛大學香港校友會校友 |
□ | Mr. Oscar Chan (陳炯釗先生) FAPCA |
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Managing Director of City Facility Management Consultancy Ltd. |
□ | Professor Joseph Y.S. Cheng (鄭宇碩教授) JP, FAPCA |
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香港城市大學當代中國研究中心主任 |
□ | Dr. Simon Cheng (鄭萬橋政協) FAPCA |
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中國廣西省桂平市政協委員 中國邕江大學客座教授 前博愛醫院總理 |
□ | Mr. Ringo S.C. Chiang, MH FAPCA |
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前自由黨九龍西地區總部主席 前九龍城區議會議員 前國際獅子總會港澳 303 區第二分域主席 前臨時市政局財委會主席 香港北九龍獅子會會長 (1997-1998) |
□ | Mr. Aidan Corley FAPCA |
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President of Faculty of Business Management |
□ | Dr. William W. Chu (趙偉欣處長) FAPCA |
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美國州政府及港務局駐港協會會長 |
□ | 范巍鍾主任 FAPCA |
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中國國務院中國國際科技促進會主任 |
□ | Mr. Alex Kam, (甘敏才先生) FAPCA |
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前美國匯通國家銀行常務董事 |
□ | Mr. Lai Ni-Jan (黎汝遠先生) FAPCA |
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前勵致國際集團有限公司主席 |
□ | Dr. Richard Lai FAPCA |
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香港區事顧問 前香港立法局議員 前荃灣扶輪社社長 前香港生產力促進局署理主席 |
□ | Dr. Desmond Lee (李汝大領事) FAPCA |
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菲濟駐港名譽領事 香港成人教育協會會長 前香港立法局議員 |
□ | Mr. William S.K. Lee |
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Senior Adviser, Chartered Management School of Distance Learning Former Superintendent of the Royal Hong Kong Police Former Director of Tung Fong Hung (東方紅)* and Nam Pei Hong (南北行)* Former Managing Director, G-Prop (Holdings) Ltd. (金匡企業有限公司)* *(Listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange Ltd.) |
□ | Dr. W.C. Leung FAPCA |
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中國國務院發展研究中心現代企業導刊常務理事 中國廣東省第八屆人民代表大會香港地區代表 中國新會市,東莞市政協常委 美國肯塔基州政府授"肯塔基陸軍上校" 及 "親善大使" 榮銜 美國侯斯頓市政府授 "榮譽市民" 及 "親善大使" 榮銜 美國田納西州政府授 "田納西州親善大使" 榮銜 |
□ | Mr. Norman L. Li FAPCA |
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Former President, U.S. States & Ports Association 香港親善大使 Hong Kong Goodwill Ambassador |
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Senior Member of the Board of Academic Advisers Chartered Association of Accounting & Finance Senior Member of the Board of Academic Advisers Chartered Association of Financial Accountants 香港執業會計師 |
□ | Mr. Norman K.W. Lo (盧錦華總幹事) FAPCA |
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香港區事顧問 |
□ | Mr. Jim K. Lok (駱炯領事) FAPCA |
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蘇里南共和國駐港領事 |
□ | Dr. Leo K.W. Lok, LL.D. (駱健華律師) FAPCA |
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Solicitor and Notary Public 中國人民大學法學博士 新界總商會副主席 前荃灣扶輪社社長 香港執業律師 |
□ | M. H.J. Manners FAPCA |
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President of Institute of Management Specialists |
□ | Professor Dr. NN Murphy Ph.D., (Mgmt), FCHMA, FAPCA |
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Samajashri Award from Governor of Maharashtra Knight of Justice Honour 2004 in Germany for Educational Excellence Full Professor of World Information Distributed University, Belgium Honored with Royal Order by the Belgium King as Cavalier of World Order of Science, Education and Culture Imperial Legate (Ambassador) to India, The Empire of Atlantium |
□ | Professor Robert James Nixon JP, OLJ, MEd, GradDipA, GradDipEd, FTCL, HonFCSM, HFIMTRI, FIPFM, ICIA FRSA, FAPCA, FCHMA, etc |
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Justice of the Peace; Academico, Pontificia Academia Tiberiana; Honorary Admiral, State of Nebraska, USA;Co-Director of Continuation Center, and Honorary President, Charter Management Association Honorary President and Honorary Fellow, Chartered Management Association Council Member, James Cook University, Australia (Patron: His Excellency the Governor-General of Australia),etc. |
□ | Professor Peter K.S. Pun (潘國城OBE教授) Ph.D., OBE, JP, FAPCA |
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香港大學建築系名譽教授 |
□ | Mr. Sunny Sy (施純興先生) FAPCA |
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前香港生產力促進局培訓部總經理 |
□ | Dr. Tam Wing-Kun (譚榮根 BBS, MBE, JP, 名譽領事, 太平紳士) BBS, MBE, JP, FAPCA |
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Honorary Consul of The Republic of Kenya Member of Solicitors' Disciplinary Tribunal PanelHonorary Consul of The Republic of Kenya International Director (2003-5), Lions Clubs International, USA |
□ | Mr. Sidney To FAPCA |
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中國廣西省桂平市政協委員 |
□ | Professor Ronald E. Trebon FAPCA |
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Co-Director of Continuation Center, and |
□ | Dr. Mike Whitaker FAPCA |
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President, Society of Business Practitioners, UK |
□ | Dr. Dickson Wong (王啟達大律師, 會計師) FAPCA |
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中華總商會選任理事 實力國際(集團)有限公司聯席董事總經理 (香港聯合交易所上市公司) Member of The Board of Trustees, United College The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港執業會計師 |
□ | Mr. Steven Wong (黃永樹主席) FAPCA |
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前保良局主席 |
□ | Ms. Cecilia Yeung (楊勵賢議員) FAPCA |
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前臨時市政局民選議員 Chairman, The Association of The Directors and Former Directors of Pok Oi Hospital Ltd. |
□ | Dr. Yuen Tai-Tung Ph.D., FAPCA, FHKSA, CPA |
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香港執業會計師 |
□ | Professor Dicken Yung (容德根教授) FAPCA |
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Professor & Director of Pacific Rim Continuation Education Program, University of Oregon, Eugene, USA 美國俄納岡大學亞太區延續教育學院理事兼大學教授 |
□ | Professor Zhang Peirong (張培容教授) FAPCA |
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中國國際科技促進會*副會長 (*註: 該會于1988年經中華人民共和國務院批准成立) 海峽兩岸關係協會'海協會'理事 (*註: 該會會長乃汪道涵先生) |