"Certified Company Accountant"
Licentiate Membership

Time allowed for completion of each paper 21/2 hours.

Level 1:
1. Accountancy:
Partnership Accounts; Branch Accounts; Companies Formation and Capital; Raising of capital; Requirements of the Companies Acts; Debentures; Redeemable Preference Shares; Bonus Shares; Purchase of a Business; Reduction of Capital.
2. General Principles of English Law: Nature and History of English Law; Source of English Law; The Judicial System; The Law of Persons; The Law of Contract; The Law of Torts; The Law of Property.
3. Internal Auditing and Financial Control.  Investment of funds; Yield Factors; Valuation of Securities; Interpretation of Accounts; Ratios; Criticism; Profitability Statements; Reports to Management; Internal Check; Verification of Assets.

Level 2:
1. Company Accounting.
Amalgamation of Limited Companies; Holding Companies; Reconstructions; Preparation of Consolidated Balance Sheets; Cash Flow Statements.
2. Company Law: History of the Companies Acts; Interpretation of the Present Acts; Formation and the various kinds of Companies; Conversion of a single trader or partnership into a company limited by shares; Memorandum and Articles of Association; The Registered Office; Issue of Shares; Prospectus; Underwriting Contracts; Profit Sharing Schemes; Alteration of Capital; Nature and Classes of Shares; Share Certificates; Share Warrants; Calls; Lien; Forfeiture; Surrender of Shares; Transfer and Transmission of Shares.
3. Management Accounting. Type of Capital; Priorities of Gearing; Internal Control; Financial Control; Interpretation of Accounts; Profitability Statements and Capital Expenditure Control; Reports to Management; Graphs and Charts.

Level 3:
1. Costing.
The Elements of Cost; Factory Organisation in Conjunction with the Costing System; Purchasing Procedure; Stores Routine and Control; Time-keeping; Methods of Remuneration; Wages; Overheads; Classification and Distribution; Cost Control Accounts; Reconciliation of Cost and Financial Accounts; Factory Costing; Marginal Costing; Budgetary Control; Auditing of Cost Accounts; Mechanised Cost Accounting.
2. Company Taxation: Corporation Tax; Computation of Profits; Capital Gains; Losses; Close Companies; Directors and Employees-share Options; Tax Advantages of Pension Schemes; Groups of Companies.
3. Statistics.  Scope and Application of Statistics; Value and Nature of Statistics; Collection of Statistics; Accuracy; Logarithms; Graphs; Moving Totals and Moving Averages; Z Charts and Lorenz Curves; Diagrams; Frequency Distributions; Correlation; Sampling Theory; Index Numbers and Time Series.